In 1944, a local philanthropist, Alfred Wagg, bought most of the grounds of East Court Estate. In 1949, he gifted these grounds to the people of East Grinstead to commemorate the tragic loss of life of local people during the 2nd World War. East Grinstead  Memorial Estate Ltd was then established as a charity.

to serve our community, preserving green spaces

At East Grinstead Memorial Estate, we take immense pride in our role as a primary venue for outdoor events and the cherished home of two thriving sporting clubs. Our mission is rooted in a deep commitment to serve our community with excellence, inclusivity, and a dedication to preserving the green spaces. We aim to manage our estate responsibly, overseeing eco-friendly practices and contributing to the long-term environmental sustainability of our region.

Through nurturing our community connections, East Grinstead Memorial Estate aims to be a place where neighbours become friends, and friendships flourish. We are dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging and connection, ensuring that every member of our community feels valued and welcome in our green spaces.

Furthermore, we aim to be a beacon of community engagement, a hub of sporting excellence, and a sanctuary for shared experiences. Together, we will continue to serve the needs and aspirations of our community, today and for generations to come. Since 2020, the Estate has donated £100k to local causes in our support for local communities for now and in the years to come.

Our purpose

To provide and maintain, as a memorial to the men, women and children of East Grinstead who lost their lives in the 1939-45 war, a public park with playing fields, recreation grounds, or other recreational or educational facilities for the general public and in particular the people of East Grinstead.

To encourage and promote any form of public recreation or education or any other charitable object, including by the making of grants for the benefit of the people of East Grinstead.

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